Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Random Confessions!

I'm frugal and proud of it! Yesterday was a great day for me. It began with a "quick" trip to Target to see if we could find some uniform shirts for school. We found the polos and then some. We stumbled upon jeans for school at 75% off, which means we bought 6 pair of jeans for less than $25. (No, I'm not kidding)
I'm a planner! Anyone who knows me knows I like to be organized and I like to plan ahead. School does not start for another month, but because of upcoming trips and other commitments, I wanted to get the majority of the boys' school supplies bought this week. We began by checking to see what we already had on hand, which turned out to be a lot of stuff. We now have our list to purchase what we need, which we will purchase today.
My kids play too many video games! Last year, I implemented the "play as many video games as you wish" rule, "as long as you also read for the same amount of time." This plan worked beautifully, and the boys read several books over the summer. This year, we "suggested" the same plan (in my quest for giving my sons a little more freedom and independence to make good choices). It's not working so well. Six weeks into the summer, I'm not sure if either has finished a book of substancial length! So I will be helping them make better choices for the remainder of the summer! But the talk about the excessive video game playing prompted a great idea. My 9 year old wanted to have a sleepover with two of his friends, but he decided it would be a "no video game" sleepover! We began to look around the house and realized all the cool stuff we had to do! His list of things to do at the sleepover is way longer than the time they will have to create so much fun! His 12 year old brother is even planning on inviting a couple of friends, too!
I read books and blogs about being organized! My latest favorite is here. This lady keeps me laughing and organizing! One of my favorite gifts ever was a labeler that was in my stocking a couple of Christmases ago! I also keep various tubs, boxes, crates, etc. on hand "just in case" I might need them!
Even though I love to organize spaces, most of my spaces are still unorganized! I managed to clean out a cabinet yesterday in search of school supplies. It made me realize how much I enjoy the act of organizing. Maybe I will be inspired to keep going today. Or maybe I'll take a nap instead!
Whew! I feel better! Confession is good for the soul!


Laura said...

Hello! I found you through your link to me. I love that you are enjoying my blog and just wanted to say thanks. I'm having trouble staying on top of the organization myself with all the kids home for the summer. I enjoy the process so much though that now I find myself doing it just to relax. Although a nap does sound pretty good right about now :)


Sandy said...

Hey, thanks for visiting me, Paula.
I also love Laura's site. She is a doll.
I hope you win my contest!
4 Reluctant Entertainers

Martha said...

I love that you are organized and it is one of my fav things about you! I love that you purchased 6 pairs of pants for $25! You go girl! I love to be organized and as I am in the nesting faze, I am getting quite a bit done myself...and things thrown away too! m

Laura Drury said...

I want to be more organized! I wish you were here to help me! My problem is that I start getting something organized then have 2 little ones on my leg needing sometihng or getting my organized pile unorganized! Oh well. To everything there is a season. One day I will have all the closets organized! I enjoyed our visit tonight. Love you!