Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Lunatics!

Who gets up at 5:30 to stare at the moon? We do, of course! Who gets their children up well before they have to so they can stare at the moon? We do, of course! Picture this. Up at 5:30. Sitting in chairs on our driveway. Staring at the sky. Trying to be quiet so the dogs won't wake everyone in the neighborhood. Not successful:( Eating Poptarts in the dark. Discussing with our kids why the moon moves in the sky the way it does. Getting eaten up by giant mosquitoes. Moving our chairs periodically so that we can still see the eclipse through the trees. Reminding our kids to be quiet because most people don't choose to be up yet. Being ready to leave for school on time. Priceless!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I was at my parents that day and I got up to see it. My husband didn't want to bother waking the kids for that one lol!