Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Friday!

Yea! It's Friday! I have spent a large portion of this week at work studying for an exam that will allow me to get my insurance license. Whew, there is a lot of info to study, but I think I am getting there. Hopefully next week I can finish the studying up and take the test soon after. I'm not sure how long most people take to study for this thing, but I'm tired of studying and ready to take the silly thing!

Tonight is a fun girl night, working on my albums at our Friday crop, then the usual Saturday filled with soccer, grocery store and topped off with dinner at a some friends' house! We end the weekend by getting to join with our friends for a great time of worship at church and a small group gathering of worship and praise on Sunday PM. Looking forward to some fun times and some restful times this weekend!

What's on your weekend calendar?


Sarah said...

Very little! And we NEEDED it!! One soccer game this afternoon and that's it! So I'm spending most of the day on the computer!

Amy S. Grant said...

I'm with Sarah, as little as possible. It's been a wonderful catch-up day today, and we're having friends over for roast tomorrow.

I've enjoyed catching up on your recent posts, Paula. The bike race looks like such a great dad/son event! And I've heard lots of good stuff about the book you recommend.

I hope you get that license soon!

Laura Drury said...

Glad you guys had a good week-end. We had Ty's class mascot visit for the week-end so we did a few special things (you'll have to check it out on my blog!) Proud of you for studying so hard. Keep up the good work! Love you, Sis!