Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pass It On

Have you ever noticed that when you are pregnant, all you tend to see is pregnant women? Or if you get a certain new car, you see that car everywhere you go? I had a realization today. Since my family and I are going through a time of hurting and heartache, I notice hurting people. I'm sorry to say I'm not sure if that is usually true. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a cold-hearted person that doesn't usually care about people, but things are different now. It's almost like I am put in situations where I run into hurting people. It happened today. I was in a store and saw a friend who I knew was hurting right now. I knew I had to go to her and listen, not out of duty, but out of understanding of a hurting heart. We stood in the aisle and talked and cried as she told me of her situation. Hopefully I was encouraging to her as I shared some of my struggles, but mostly listened. Pain has a way of drawing people together. Maybe it is because you know that person will understand and not judge.

God has given me such comfort in the last few weeks, through other Christians and directly from Him. Today, God knew I needed to be on the giving end. Thank you, God, for an awesome opportunity!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Cor. 1


Martha said...

I agree. I can't tell you how many families we know who have or had children in the true that you begin to notice as you endure. I know that you were an encouragement to your friend. You come by that naturally b.c it is one of your spiritual gifts. I wish I could hug you. I miss you, my friend. M

Laura Drury said...

Hope you're having a good week. You are a blessing to me!! I'm thankful that we can be there for each other in the joyful times & the storms of our lives. You are an awesome sister!!!