Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tag -- I'm It!

I've been tagged twice with the same questions, so I guess I will comply!


1. Who is your man? Ken

2. How long have you been married? 16 1/2 years!

3. How long did you date? We dated for 12 months, then we were engaged for 9 more so a total of 21 months!

4. How old is your man? 38

5. Who eats more? Ken does, but he is always finished eating his second helping before I am finished with my first.

6. Who said "I love you" first? Ken

7. Who is taller? Ken

8. Who sings better? Definitely Ken! I am blessed to have him as my worship leader every Sunday.

9. Who is smarter? This is an interesting question, because if we are talking book smarts, we both help the kids with different subject areas of their homework. I pretty much help with Math, but he is always the better choice with history. He has an unbelievable memory for the smallest details and current events. I would have to be diplomatic and say that we tie in the day to day living smarts. We are a good balance for each other.

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine :(

11. Who does the laundry? I do most of it now that I am at home. But I learned early that even small children can sort their dirty laundry and put it up when it's clean!

12. Who takes out the trash? Our sons! (I love that they are older now)

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. It's funny, but in both the houses we have lived in since we've had kids, I managed to be the farthest from the door, so if the kids come in our room during the night, they go to Dad first! (Maybe I am the smarter one.)

14. Who pays the bills? I pay, but we budget together. (Thanks, Dave!)

15. Who is better on the computer? I guess we are about the same.

16. Who mows the lawn? Ken does a beautiful job with our front and back lawns. He takes a lot of pride in the outside appearance of our home.

17. Who cooks dinner? I usually do, but in our house whoever cooks does not have to clean the dishes, so I don't mind too much.

18. Who drives when you are together? Ken

19. Who pays when you go out? Ken

20. Who is more stubborn? Me :(

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Ken, almost always.

22. Whose family do you see most? Mine

23. Who kissed who first? Ken kissed me first in Nelson Park, but I knew it was coming!

24. Who asked who out first? Ken asked me out and cooked for me on our first date!

25. Who proposed? Ken (I'm smiling) What a great memory!

26. Who is more sensitive? Ken is more sensitive to others than I am. I probably take things more personally, though.

27. Who has more friends? I don't know, probably about the same, I guess.

28. Who has more siblings? I have a brother and sister, he has a sister.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Ken

30. Who is the biggest pushover with the kids? Ken. I definitely am more strict as a parent, but we have learned to show the kids a united front!

How fun this was! I can't believe I put it off! I tag AMY G., Erica, and Brooke!


Laura Drury said...

I am very impressed that you have already complied with the tag! It's fun to remember some of those early moments! Ken is a great guy & I'm thankful that he's my bro in law!

Amy S. Grant said...

Love this! You and Ken are such a great couple. I'll have to do this sometime next week. :)

Martha said...

You did it! I am so impressed. I love all the answers and love just hearing all you wrote. I love you friend! M

Anonymous said...

I like your #13. That is definatley a smart move!! Fun list. Enjoyed learning more about you and Kent!