Friday, February 20, 2009

A Gentle and Quiet Spirit

Many years ago, when I was a teenager, I was given a blessing in words. An adult who I don’t even remember specifically, perhaps someone working with our youth group, told me that I reminded them of the verse in I Peter that talks about a woman with a gentle and quiet spirit. This person said that I did not speak out very often, but when I did, I had something significant to say. It is amazing how something spoken over 20 years ago is still remembered today. Never underestimate the power of a spoken blessing.

But just this week, I have been reminded of this verse, so I went back to read it in context. It reads:

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Twenty plus years ago, I thought this verse meant that if you were talkative or assertive or flamboyant, then you did not have a gentle and quiet spirit, but I believe that the Lord is teaching me new things about this verse. How many of us are “quiet” or “gentle” in nature, but our spirits are in turmoil because the “noise” around us is deafening. How many times have we felt like our spirit was not quiet because we were fretting about whatever was going on in our physical, emotional or spiritual life?

Today, I am praying for a quieted spirit. I want my spirit to reflect the trust I have in God to lead and guide me where He intends for me to be. It is when I decide I need to take control that my spirit is stirred with worry or anxiety over things completely out of my control. Therefore, today it is God that is in control. And that is beautiful


Scott & Erica said...

so, is it a coincidence that i checked this today and you haven't written anything in like 3 years and i needed to hear what you had to say?

The Walters' Family said...

Beautifully said, Paula. God's timing is so perfect, each stroke in the exact right place...if only we could step away for a moment and see the masterpiece He is creating. Then we could truly be patient and wait...not wanting to rush God and the amazing work He is doing in each of our lives.

Laura Drury said...

I'm just now reading this & it is wonderful. Where did the time go?! Thx for the encouragemnt & reminders.