Monday, December 8, 2008

Broadcast Your Blessings!

I was just reading a book that used the phrase "Broadcast your blessings" and it made me think. What am I broadcasting? When people come in contact with me, what message are they receiving? Yesterday at church we were talking about the broadcasts we receive from the media and how we allow them to impact our lives.

In a small but valient effort to counter those influences and purposefully create some joy at a time of year that is really not too joyful for so many people who are hurting, here is my broadcast of blessings....

a husband who loves me immensely
two handsome sons who have hearts of gold
a warm home with a beautiful Christmas tree
money in the bank to buy Christmas presents
a job that allows me freedom to be in tune with my kids schedules
a small group that loves deeply
friends all over the world
a sister that texts during the day to check on me
a God who is always near

Of course this is just a start, but who knows where this could lead! Anyone else out there ready to broadcast your blessings? I dare you!


Sarah said...

I need to be dared to do this! What a great challenge!

Mom said...

A great blessing for me is to have you for a daughter. I thank God for you! Mom

Laura Drury said...

What a great reminder to me to focus on my blessings! Thank you for that. You are a blessing to me, too, sweet sister. I can't wait to see you!

Book Nook Girl said...

What a great idea! I need to broadcast my blessings more too. Why is it easier to focus on the things that are not good in our life versus the things that are good? Thank you for being a blessing to me!